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by start online business 

Make Sure Your Small Business Will Be Found on The Web, Provide a "4 pillars" Internet Presence.. Gives You Free Guidance.



Start online business, and provide your brick-and-mortar business, a proper "4 pillars" user and mobile friendly internet presence.. That will makes your small business much more easier to be found by potential web searchers.. I will give you easy to understand, tips and guidance..

This site will guides you to put focus first on your potential visitors and customers. Because you have a strong believe and the whole purpose of your unique small Business, is to help people solve problems, satisfy theirs internet searches, which is related to what your small local Business is all about..

Update June 2024...

It is time to rebrand and rebuild my Business site, but i have not settled date for that refurbishment yet (just during 2024). The reason is because I will focus more on Thailand and South-east Asia.

However, the basic info about the importance for small businesses to establish a real internet presence will of course remain. But there will be much more interesting stuff to read about digital marketing and with a focus, particularly on Thailand...

- I have started my digital marketing journey in a humble small scale. and i will keep it in an small scale. But my clear goal is to create a top modern 21st-century, digital marketing organization within its specific niche. That will help to put Thailand on the global "digital" map. I am already very targeted, enthusiastic and have big enough self-confidence to do it.

The company will have a school for young Thai students who have a burning interest in, and to also learn one or more subjects: digital marketing, sale, web development/programming. And most importantly, every student (and all persons connected/working in the company,) have to learn to speak and understand English.

Sadly, but in general, to speak and understand English is not yet the strongest skill for Thais. Despite that 35 million foreign tourists visit Thailand yearly. So there is a major need for basic English education.

For the students, will it be a combination of education, training and working in real life. Best of all, for the Thai students who are 18-25 years old, will the school be free of tuition fees... The adult students will have to pay tuition fees. 

I wish you a continued fabulous day:)

Erling.A. Sjokvist

This is me Erling.A.Sjokvist on an event at Sirocco in Bangkok, This is the worlds highest open-air restaurant and bar, 820-foot elevation. I can warmly recommend this stunning place...

There is estimated that there is roughly 200 million small Businesses and independents ventures globally. More than 50% of those, have Non, or have a very poor internet presence.

In country after country, have for the past 5 years, people very quickly acquired a new behavior patterns on the Internet. People have adopted new web technology, acquired smart mobile devices, and the Internet expands at an ever faster pace.

good to know..

 John Mueller from Google  Have talked about the advantages for small Businesses, that by themselves build their "4 pillars" internet presence, by using do-it-yourself platforms..

John Mueller: Says small Businesses dont need worry about using Do-It-Yourself Platforms. Gives Free Guidance..

But a majority of all small local Businesses, solopreneurs, freelancers have fallen behind, that is what my website is about.

And as i have said, i will provide Free tips, help and guidance, on how you as a small Business owner, all by yourself, very fast, easy and inexpensive, can create a "4 pillars" Internet presence..

With this in place, you can concentrate all your effort on over-filling your sites with your unique personality, your "homemade", valuable and relevant content. With a content, that clarifies the purpose of your business. Why you are doing what you do, Why you offers your products or services. 

In short, your "4 pillars" internet presence, will be the digital version of your small "brick and mortar" business on internet, and it will also become equally renowned and popular.....

My guidance is about actions easy enough to fix by yourself, even if you are the "newest digital newbie". That will give your target audience a fair chance to find your small Business..

Take 3 Minutes short Overview..

Far too many small Business owner, has seen the Social media for the wrong thing. Social media can never replace your Business website..

Social media have today without doubt, become the main marketing tool for small Businesses... Because it's very easy, quick and inexpensive, you will also be able to manage it, all by yourself.

But Social media is one part of your "4 pillars" internet presence. It is a relationship builder, a place for your audience to build loyalty, to write reviews, for you to answer your customers' questions and build a community. Your Social sites it's not a place for heavy sales pitch, or for monetization. 

I really recommend that you to frequently "boost" your Posts at for example facebook, it's quick, easy and very inexpensive. All you need is 5-10 minutes and $ 1 dollar/ per day, to start seeing Results. I have written a separate article for you to read about Social media..

Check out what's in my free 
daily Newsletter..

Read Erling. A . Sjokvist's Newsletter on Nuzzel.

All Small business has today opportunity to super fast, easy and very inexpensive, satisfy their target audience with a complete internet presence.. So do not give away all of the searchers, your potential visitors and customers to your competitors, which have already established a modern Internet presence.

Here on my Website you will find tons of written valuable content, but also relevant short educational Videos and longer Webinars. You will find links to other Online Entrepreneurs that i Think have big knowledge and long experience, which they also share for Free, in an easy and understandable Way..

Overall my Website is aimed to give you a basic knowledge, so that you can by yourself create and run a real business site, without you first need to become a web programmer. You probably wonder WHY, you need a Business site?... 

As i have said above, it is for your audience, because today in 2024, your target audience, already have modern smart mobile equipment. And therefore, they expected that all type of small Businesses can offer a real online presence, when they surfing around. An Business site is your online store, that you own and have full controll over. 

The numbers of new Internet and smartphone users, and the increased e Commerce figures strikes ever new Records. Can you imagine that today, ordinary consumers in all countries, makes daily more than 3.5 billions of searches on the Internet.

They looking for quick help and information about everything, to quickly find different businesses, products and services, as well as finding new ideas and smart solutions.


Find your niche,  start looking among your interest...  Because everyone on this Globe, knows something about something, a passion, a hobby, a product, a service or your for long time learned experience from your job. Take that knowledge and turn it into a significant profitable e Business. Everything you need to know is already of the inside in your Brain.

Get it out on a paper, this paper will be your Business website, that people are going to find, when they making their internet searches.. You can build your e Business from a small side gig, up to the size you want. But without traffic to your sites, you have no e Business at All..

Many people still wondering: What is Online Business?  What is e Business? What is SEO?  What is the  CTPM method?...  and other terms, that have to do with internet business... To running a small online business. It's for you today very Simple but not "easy", it's first of all very fun but of course also incredibly Rewarding... 

As I Have Said... Start online business today, it's about taking advantage of, people's Internet Search Intent.. Many 100's of millions of ordinary people in different countries do every day Billions of Internet Searches , this creates considerable demand for information, products, service and smart solutions. 

There is a very strong increasing trend, that women start a small web Business. Because all internet and smartphone users have adopted a new behavior pattern.

start online business! 
Examples of questions from visitors.

Here below are a few examples of some common questions I receive almost daily from people around the world. My FREE tips and good advice is not based on temporary trends, loophole, special tricks or some hidden techniques that will go out of style.

What i strongly believe in, is a business tool that will helping you to build and run a solid web business. Because then, your small web business will be able to focus on your target audience, to solving their need, and their internet search intent.

To providing your target audience an genuine, user and mobile friendly experience. Provide extraordinary valuable and relevant content, As in a meaningful way want to help all the people who made a internet research and found your business site, that they believe have the best solution to theirs search Intent.


* How and What shold i start with First?

* How to Start e Commerce  store?

* How much does it Cost? Can i really afford  To build a Small e-  Business?

* What about running my online business and Stay abroad  for long or  short time?

* How to Create a blog that really stands out?

* How to Increase web traffic?

* What is local SEO?

* How can I Include e-Commerce, to my existing "brick and mortar  business?"

* How to Create a Mobile friendly  Business website or Blog?

* Why do my small local firm Need a website ?

* How will I keep up with Google's new ranking  trends?

* How do I find my niche, find products or services?

* How can I Build a high-traffic website or blog ?

* How can my web business, Target local and even global  Customers?

* How to Getting Traffic?

* What do I have to do to make success  and quit my 9 to 5 job?


When it comes to the main issue for small business, How to Increase Web Traffic to your blog or website. Well then you must start where your visitors and potential customers begins.

I have written an article, from a little different angle where you can read about how the  Consumer find local Businesses thanks to content marketing. 

is it only a young
person's game?

Find jobs for senior citizens. Traditionally 5-10 years ago, it has been assumed to start online business, is a very young "web-savvy person games", but some research shows that the proportion of people 50+ who start online business has increased significantly and actually surpassed, the more web savvy, young persons who are 20-30 years old, and it continues to increase, due to the Internet's rapid expansion in all Countries.

So, finally, Where to Begin? 

Do not be overwhelmed because no matter where you start, i believe it  takes you just a few clicks to find something of value to you. Check out the links here on the sidebar, these are the proven gems that have helped many visitors like you.

Who is Erling.A. Sjokvist?

Well, just a hint. I started my first "brick and mortar" Business in 1983. But nowadays, I have switched over to the online industry. And I helps Small local Businesses to become more easy to be found on the internet...  You can read more at About page .

Thanks for taking your time to visit my Website.

Welcome back Soon.

Have a Fabulous Day Folks:)


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