What is e commerce

and why will it 
benefit small businesses
more in 2017?



how can it increase traffic
to your "brick-and-mortar" 

What is e Commerce? It simply means to you as an small Business, can offer your visitors and potential customers an option, to make instant purchases on your Business website. 

The main purpose, and Why small Businesses shall establish e Commerce, on their business site is because the visitor and potential customers expect to find an online purchase alternative, on a proper Business website Today.  

Will the converted small Businesses, see increase of web traffic and sales in 2017? The answer is, as a result of the conversion undoubtedly, A Very Big Yes of Course! 

Too many people and "brick and mortar" owners, still seems to believe that e Commerce is something that belongs purely to big brands and online companies. And of course, Small biz owners still think that is to complicated and expensive.. 

Nothing can be more wrong.. To day even the "newest digital newbie" can instal and manage a simple e Commerce option.. Those small "brick and mortar" Businesses that can offer e Commerce, as optional can increase their revenue with over 20% ...

In short, what is e Business? That is an business form, where an traditional "brick and mortar" business, side by side also Selling their Products or services online at their Business website. And an small online business is also named as an e Business.

As a natural result of the last six years of immense development of the internet and all new and smarter mobile devices, must most small Businesses, regardless of country, achieve status as e Businesses...

I Believe the biggest disadvantage for non e Businesses, is that your online visitors, can not making an instant purchase. They will probably quickly decide, to make the purchases on one of your competitors business sites. Simply Because they can offer e Commerce.. Just face the today reality, there are no longer any options or excuses, not to offer your visitors and customers a real business website.

As i have said before, here on my website. During the past 15 years we have seen a stunning growth of the Internet. The number of websites have increased from 12 million at the turn of the millennium, to over 1 billion today in 2017. The total volume of e Commerce on the internet, amounted to unbelievable, $1.6 trillion in 2015.

Why should you offer e-commerce?
and pick up in-store?
Simply because it increases sales !

These Figures Speak For Themselves. All Small Business Should Offers E-Commerce That Will Increase Sales With 20%. MidlifersWebBusiness.com Give You Free Tips..

Based on the results of a February 2017 in-store shopping survey by ChargeItSpot, a majority of USA consumers who use in-store pickup for digital purchases also tend to make incremental purchases during their visit.

At least 75% of respondents ages 18 to 34 and 50 to 65 said they had made an unexpected purchase while picking up a product. More than 60% of those 35 to 49 said the same... There is no reason to think that people in USA are very unique.. I believe in most country have people very quick changed their behavior pattern in the wake of the digital revolution...

I Believe you don't have any problem to understand WHY your small Business, should being able to offer your customers an Business site, with e Commerce. Today even the "newest newbie" can build an complete Business website, all by yourself, with the help of MidlifersWebBusiness.com Free Guidance.

Consumers in most countries has in recent years quickly changed its purchasing patterns. At the same time as the number of smartphone users increases dramatically.

It has become much easier for consumers to quickly do internet search, for example, to get information about Products or Service before they decide when, and to which "brick and mortar" store they choose to visit to make their purchases or they maybe choose e Commerce, if a business can offer this.. 

That you as a small business owner, have a mobile friendly business site and can offer e Commerce options to your customers will very soon be a matter of survival. As I said before, one thing is absolutely certain and that is that your competitors may already, or would very soon be able to offer e shopping as an option to their online visitors

WHAT mean those

Just like with traditional "offline business". There are four main categories of e-Commerce: B2C, B2B, C2C or C2B.

  1. B2C. (business to consumers). This consists of companies that sell to the public, via a shopping cart software at their website, without any human interaction. This is what most people today think of when they hear "e commerce." A large and well known global example of this would be the American company, Amazon.
  2. B2B. (business to business). This involves companies doing business with each other. One example is manufacturers selling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers.
  3. C2C. (consumer to consumer). In c2c this happens of course online and simple small classified ads, on forums, or local online marketplaces where individuals can buy and sell their own goods. Global examples are Craigslist, eBay and Etsy.
  4. C2B. (consumer to business). In c2b e-commerce, consumers can send a job with a fixed budget online and companies can bid on the project. Consumer reviews the bids and choose the company. Elance and oDesk is a global example of this.

Many people think maybe e-Business and e-Commerce, is the same thing. Both yes and no, because there are differences, both words apply to companies that use Internet to conduct their trading and other activities. All e Commerce businesses, is per definition e Businesses, but it need not to be vice versa...

All e commerce business is e business,
but not vice versa,
let's take a closer look.

E-Commerce is “any transaction completed over a computer-mediated network that involves the transfer of ownership or rights to use goods and services,” Defines by the U.S. Census Bureau. Transactions aren't required to have a price and include both sales and items like free downloads. E-commerce includes transactions made on the whole internet, the so called World Wide Web, and by eMail.

what is e business?

A e Commerce business is as shown by the name exclusively a company that buys and sells products or services on the internet.. But e Business companies is much broader in concept. 

It can be a small Web-business, it can offer e Commerce, but it can also be a combination of a Web-based company that offers e Commerce and traditional "brick and mortar" features. Regardless which the country, industry and size. All combinations, should today have a Real business website,  which is Verified with Google , and a solid Social media presence, that also is verified with the company's Business website.

so what is e Commerce

for the everyday people?

You can see e Commerce as a more advanced and modern form of traditional mail order purchases through a catalog, that has been around since the early twentieth century. This document is over 15 years old showing what, u.s.department of Commerce-office of Consumer  Affairs/Washington, DC 20230, had thoughts about electronic commerce...

I brought this, to show how fast things are moving, in the area of e Commerce. For those of you who are a midlifers 50+ will agree with me that 15 years ago, Yes, it was just the day before yesterday. We are probably many who then found that the internet was very advanced at the end of the 1990's, and would probably had a hard time imagining the violent fast and advanced development that internet had until today.

safety issues when you buy online.

Today when various types of transactions on the internet has become a normal occurrence in everyday life for everyone in most countries. But there are safety issues to consider when you buy online, but by acting with common sense, you can minimize the risk.

Even if you consider yourself an well experienced online shopper, it's always worth a reminder to make sure your experience is the safest it can be. Remember that Legitimate companies never ask for your: social security numbers, password or account number via e-mail.

  • Do not send your credit card information via email, or post them on social media (not even in a private message) or enter them on an unsecured website.
  • Do not give away more information about yourself than you need. Dealers generally do not need to know details such as your date of birth or social security number, so why would you leave out details about yourself, if you do not have to?
  • Check out the info about the current company has a physical address and other contact details such as telephone number of the seller and the company before you make a purchase.
  • Remember to sign out of your account, after you have made a purchase.
  • That a small Business is Verified with Google, and having a "4 pillars" Internet Presence, is a good indication that it is a serious Business, but of course that can not give you a 100% garanti. 

If you are going to shop by an unknown company, here below is a tip on websites you easily, quickly and for free can make a check whether the company has any scam remarks. As i said, keep in mind, however, that these websites cannot give you any 100% guarantees. 

If this is your first time shopping online, use common sense, I always think twice if the offer seems too good... Just in the last 6 years, the rapid development of the internet and, for example, social media has made it possible to quickly get info about a small Business is serious, other people's experience and Reviews..

the "4 pillars" holds up your
internet presence.

As i have said, those offline Businesses that can also offer e Commerce options, can expect to increase their revenues by over 20%.. But that requires that you implement the "4 pillars" Internet Presence.. 

I will say that those pillars are today the fundamental foundation which make your small Business will be visible and easy to find on internet. It's quick and is very inexpensive to install. 

Today you will be able to create and daily maintain, those "4 pillars" all by yourself, even if you are the "newest digital newbie".. And of course, e Commerce is already Built in. To market your small Business, you should always use a mix of paid and free online Content marketing.  I have written a separate Article about Advertice Business online.

Help spread the word about scams. Links to Scam Watch  from your website its FREE. Many scams originate overseas or take place over the internet, making them very difficult to track down and prosecute.

If you lose money to a scam, it is unlikely that you will be able to recover your loss. The ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) publishes this website to help consumers recognise and prevent scams...

The ACCC also works with state and territory fair trading agencies and other government agencies to promote awareness in the community about scams. In 2005 the ACCC and these other agencies formed the Australasian Consumer Fraud Taskforce (ACFT) to coordinate this work. 

At these Website, you'll find a lot of information about tips for avoiding internet fraud, about money and eshopping on this website usa.gov. It does not matter in which country you live in, this info its good for everybody.

Consumers payment options.

In this 21st centery, consumers payment options will be a very important factor in where a consumer decides to make e-shopping. How do online shoppers pay the cashier? How will all the 100's of million new internet users in India, for example, be able to pay, when so many do not have a credit card and a bank account? What changes occur in their payment preferences?

The answers to these questions will provide many new opportunities for expanded services that enhance the consumer's shopping experience, and to call for more frequent visits, increase the average order value and increase of course sales. By offering more payment options at checkout, e-retailers can expect to see fewer shopping cart abandonments and a sharp increase in sales.

Even debit cards that you use your own money to make a purchase, not many payment options offer the same robust buyer protection as other options if something goes wrong. If you have and use a credit card such as visa or mastercard, PayPal or a virtual wallet options give you greater flexibility when it comes to request a refund.

A recovery means that a transaction is reversed and a refund will be given to you as a buyer. It can either be initiated by your own bank on the detection of fraudulent activity, or you can initiate a refund depending on the situation, you change your mind, a failure of the product, the wrong size, etc. You should check with your bank for more information.

To be able to offer multiple payment options mean more sales, Yes this sounds quite logically, some research seems to show that a significant part of these "other payments" represents an increase in sales. In other words, all the transactions that probably wouldn't have happened if certain types of payment options used are not offered, and had been available.

By understanding why so many of you consumers prefer not to pay with your traditional bank and credit cards, the e-retailers to be better positioned to select and offer new payment options, that will satisfy their customers  wishes and needs. This will also, of course, at the same time to contribute to revenue growth for emercants.

Why are online merchants so gravitating to other payment types? Well simply because a significant proportion of consumers in many countries, do not have a bank account, credit or debit card, while others just for the moment, might not want to increase credit card balances or expose their card information online. In addition, many consumers have their own unanswered safety questions about using credit or debit cards to make eshopping.

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A sensible options that you maybe should consider using, to add a secure layer of protection is a one-time credit card number. These are attached to your regular credit or debit card, but gives a unique number to be used for a single, only this transaction. So that your usual actual credit card number will not be compromised. This is something I can recommend warmly. But again, you can simply check with your own bank to see if this is an option in the country you live in.

To be able to offer all e shoppers many alternative payment option has also been shown to increase the average purchase amount, because they can offer customers access to more sources of credit. Also, in addition to improving sales, customer requests and total satisfaction, offering several and additional payment options can provide new opportunities for e-retailers to reduce their total cost of payments.

Some payment options have lower transaction fees than debit and credit cards, and many emerchants trying to optimize their payment mix by encouraging customers to use payment mechanisms that have a lower cost for the individual merchant, at the same time, we must not forget that the development of new opportunities in terms of payment options goes very fast, and many variations are tailored for different countries needs.

the digital india.

The increase in the number of smartphone users in India will explode in the next 3-6 years, estimates that almost all adults in India wants to own a smart phone. This will have an impact on e Commerce in India, there is no doubt, and of course it will also have spin-off effects on other countries. 

All this is due to the India government, lanch a gigantic project which they call "Digital India",  and in short, it is that all residents of India to have access to high speed internet 2019-20. It will be very interesting to follow the development of the Internet in India and in the rest of Asia, in the coming years.. And the stunning growth of internet in asia, is one of the reason i decided to move to Bangkok, (the main reason is that me personally find an fantastic lady from Bangkok)...



What about e-commerce in india.

In an update 29 of April 2016... About the turbulent eCommerce in India. The biggest e-commerce sharks in India, Amazon, Flipkart and Snapdeal have cancelled planned sale events and accompanying advertisements, to avoid trouble and potential punishment. "Livemint says"... 

The three companies are in the process of devising new ways to fund discounts and advertise sales, the people said. The three companies want to be ready with the new discounting mechanisms and ad messages in time for the festive season which kicks off in August 2016 and goes on through Diwali, which falls in October.

However, "according to Livemint"  Have the Indian government added two important rules, that will create far-reaching consequences for e-commerce firms. The first is, a marketplaces cannot influence pricing of products and services on their platforms, directly or indirectly. Secondly.. 

No single seller can contribute more than 25% of the sales, of any marketplace.. This means pretty much the same game rules, for those large "sharks" as it is in e Commerce industry in the United States and in Europe, this helps as I have said, to the more stability and clear rules.

What is e Commerce in the big India? It's a very exciting country, that many will take a closer look at both as a consumer, online and offline retailer, from an e-commerce perspective. Yes.. 

What happens on the e commerce front in the country with the biggest growth of online retailers in the Asia-Pacific region? India, which has by far the largest growth of smart phone users globally, there are many online retailers are looking at India as a possible destination for its global expansion.

Right now, is the e Commerce landscape in India, consisting of young consumers (over 70% of all online shopper is under 35 years of age). They have a sharp and hungry eye for trendy international and the Indian fashion, as well as all the latest web technology, while they, of course, are fast becoming web-savvy. With a growing middle class that have greater purchasing power, would millions of new e shopper in India to appear, in the next few years.

interesting india e commerce figures.

In 2014 Online retail in india, reached $4.47 billion. But in 2020 this figure has take of like a Rocket and a estimate will be astonishing $50-60 billions according to a report by UBS. This large increase is of course a natural consequence of the "Digital India" project, which aims to provide the entire population of India, fast internet connection before 2020.. 

As I have said, the number of smartphones users will increase enormously, people will very quickly to acquire a new behavior pattern.. The Internet will become a matter of course to use, people will do internet searches, before they decide when, where and how (offline or online) they should make their purchases.

Large investments are made and which is related to the very rapid growth of India e-commerce sector. Consumers in India are still accustomed to products is available 24/7 online, this new internet age of the retail sector in India is also essentially most online retailers are new on the market. 

Flipkart currently holds a large amount of market share, but also more local online retailers continue to expand and invest in their business either by working with major global companies like Amazon and Alibaba or by venture capitalists.

In the early April 2016, the Indian government in quietly ushered in a New Policy, that will transform the Indian e-commerce landscape forever. While much depends on the final implementation, the implications are nothing short of staggering.

But i think it's necessary for the Government to quickly establish fair rules, and stop the "wild vest" similar condition. All this troublesome issues have come up as a result of the huge development of the internet in India.

There are many factors that will drive the big e Commerce growth. The increase in smartphone users in India, the growing middle class and increased purchasing power of young consumers. More products will be available online, discounted products and the ability of online retailers to provide easy returns and exchanges. 

Traditional "brick and mortar" stores in India has so far not returns and exchanges, as a matter of course. So that has been a very big selling point for online retailers. But remember that traditional stores may also very quick, and my tip is that they will and must follow with changes, to not losing customers to online retailers.

example on e commerce process.

As I have mentioned, mobile commerce already has a major impact on online retail in India. Over 80% of all internet users in India, are also an active smart phones user, and that proportion actually continues to rise. That's because most online stores in India already have a mobile friendly website, and many also have an app for smartphones, to make it easier for the visitors and customers.

Many millions of consumers in india do not have credit or debit cards neither a bank account, this is also true in many other countries and has created problems for many consumers. It is perhaps one of the reasons why Indian consumers have a tradition/prefer to pay via COD (cash on delivery) for their online purchases.

Many retailers offline and online also provides hire purchase, this gives consumers in India, without bank account or credit card the chance to make e-shopping, some big online stores have even created their own payment gateway that is safe, and that works much like PayPal.

Other names that may be mentioned in the case of Indian online payment options, paytm, and mobile wallets. With the greatest security, I believe that with such a large online sales potetial which will be available in india in the next few years, so it would show up many new creative options for Indian eshoppers, lacking the ability to obtain credit or debit card.

However. When it comes to India, need to remember that when it comes to the Internet, e Commerce, and various online payment options, so it almost daily, new and rapid changes in the Indian digital landscape, which is under very fast development..

I think India is a very exciting country in many respects, I read a lot about what is happening in india. But I myself have not yet visited this country. But since I'm also is involved in a non profit association that supports street children in India at an orphanage in the state of Andhra Pradesh, it will probably not be long before I go there. And then I will also of course have an opportunity to meet both private individulas, and small local "brick and mortar" business owners.

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Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is interested in. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

quick changes in the retail world.

How quickly the retail world have changed.. Today, regardless of who you are, what country you are living and your business operating in, what you make or how you sell your products or service, the crystal clear question to you is “Are you omni?” Because, make no mistake, your customers definitely are, so those business owner who already are omni have competition advantages.

In addition to having a strong business strategy, it's important to have a basic understanding of e-Commerce law. Online sellers, particularly those selling internationally or across state lines, face different legal and financial considerations, especially in regard to privacy, security, copyright and taxation.

There are also online advertising laws that protect consumer privacy and ensure truthful marketing practices online. As an e-Commerce business, online advertising is a major part of your strategy. Over the past decade, federal and state governments have passed new online advertising laws. 

As you expand into online marketing, it is important to be familiar with these. Today it is not difficult to find out which rules apply in your own country, you can start by searching on google. By doing everything right from the beginning, you can save up for, time consuming and costly problems.

If you are selling physical goods, you'll need to consider how you're going to ship them. You will need to research with your Postal Company in your country, to find out how that will work out, they will of course be able to help you with details.

The big Swedish food chain ICA jumps on
the e-commerce train.

One of the largest food retail chain "ICA" here in Sweden have decided to invest heavily on e-commerce. I have attached a link to a local web-newspaper here in my region who has written about this.

The entire store's Product Range will be available on their Business website. You as consumer can just log on to ICA's website and shopping online. To later "drive through" (like you can do at McDonald's), to pick up your ordered and paid food Products. You don't even have to step out of the car, because the staff set up your food bags in your car.. 

Here you can see an animated video, of an "Drive in Supermarket" but this has only
a limited selection of products.

what is google.

The very important core of what Google and other search engine sat out to do, Is to organize the World's information and make it universally accessible and useful, for everybody on this planet... 

As I have said.. All people in most countries currently use google and other search engines every day for obtaining information about Businesses, to find products and services... Especially now that the number of new smartphone and internet users increases so much.

So it's very much with traditional shop in a "brick and mortar" store and of course with e Commerce shopping to do. I would like to take a simple example when my own lawnmower broke down. What to do? Yes ... even though I am well aware of the repairers which are available here in my region, but at first, I did a search on google.

This quick search on google resulted in that I found a new workshop I did not know about, and who could help me with my broken lawn mowers on the same day, with a cheaper price and without being so far away geographically, and my lawnmower become repaired and spry again.

 Had not this workshop had an business site, that was verified with google, I probably hadn't found it so easy, and the workshop had not been given a new customer.. 

This is an simply example of why it is so important for all small local business owners, to have a business website with an option for the customers if they also wish, to make e Commerce. And the most important of all, think about all new potential customers that can find your small business if you have a real internet presence...

How to create a Business site? The easiest way is to use a website tool. The only inexpensive and complete, e-business building product on the market.. Is this website tool, right for you and your small Business? 

I do not know about you or your business.. But i know that the best way for you to find out for yourself. Just follow me and many other 10s of thousands small businesses, who test drove it first. Yes of course you can test it too, to see if it's right for your small business..(and about testing, i mean not with some test version, but with the original version).. Start by taking a short Video Tour..

It's time to wrap things up..

What is e Commerce? Well in this article, you've only got a small "taste bite" of e business. As as I wont to say, focus first on your users. Provide your target audience, and your customers a genuine business site. This is no longer something that you maybe shall thinking about.

All small businesses have to act upon, the today's 2017, reality.. People, your potential visitors and your customers, expects to find a mobile friendly business website, when they are making their internet searches. So make sure that your business site, is the very best people can find.

Thanks for taking your time visit my Website.

Welcome back soon.

I Believe that you will have a Fabulous Day:)


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