why will Social Media marketing 
businesses more in 2024.

Social media marketing will increase
your business's visibility.

Social media marketing have become small Businesses main marketing tool. But far from all small Biz, know why and how to do it simple and efficient.. Do not misunderstand, to create and daily maintain your Social sites, don't need at all to be complicated, expensive or time consuming...

That social media marketing, have sailed up as the hottest marketing trend, is hardly surprising... Regardless of your industry or country, a big majority of your potential visitors and customers, have already a social media account. 

But don’t aim for perfection, rather strive to just be yourself, be unique, be natural, and to become the best marketer you can...

All you need it's 5-10 minutes to create your post by yourself, and $ 1 dollar/per day, to start seeing Results.. MidlifersWebBusiness.com Gives Free Tips and Guidance..

The more your potential customers get a feeling of "that they already know you," the more likely they will be to frequently visit your business, follow and like your social sites, talk about and recommend it to others.

You by yourself, your unique personality, your home made content and social marketing posting, the way you talking and act with all your visitors and customers. All this is what makes you and your small Business to stands out, because that is so very hard to copy by others..

About posting.. Mark & Eric talked about best time to post on Social media in one of theirs, "Here's Why",  and they says: The typical recommendations you see from studies for the best time to post on various networks, may not necessarily be the best time, for you, your audience, industry or your Business..

People will click on your Business sites, and visit your physical Business, because of Why you offer your products or services. Visitors looks carefully for things that differentiates your Business from your competitors....

Learn why Social presence today is a matter of course for all type of small Businesses. Social sites is one of the "4 pillars" that holds up your internet presence. But once and for all, your Social sites can never replace your own Business website. 

You know, despite that this is year 2017, Not even 50% of all small Businesses can offer a proper internet presence. How can all those Businesses without a proper online presence, expect that their potential visitors and customers, will easily find them? when they looking for solutions for their search intent. I think we first clarifies what stand those "4 pillars" for...

In this article you will get knowledge about how and why it's important to set up and verify your Social media accounts for your small Business.

All to your visitors shall get the widest possible user experience. And to increase the numbers of potential visitors and customers, to your "brick and mortar" and Web traffic to your business website. 

Because running your business is one of your biggest interests you will feel that it's very fun to work with it, and as a result, you will see your Social media sites, becomes Skyrocket...

Yes Your Potential Visitors & Customers Are Already There. Facebook Used By All Age Groups. Perfect For Small Biz Regardless of Industry... MidlifersWebBusiness.com Gives Free Tips and Guidance.

How to create and verify your

social business accounts

I suggest that your Basic "social minimum" is: Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Twitter... It is much better to have a few "social sites", as you have time to manage and do really well, and that you and your visitors will love.

Than lots of different sites that you only have time to do a half done mediocre work with... If you see and feel the need and have the time, there is no problems to increase with several social media in future.

But of course, you must always take into account what type of your business. Get a knowledge about your audience, on what social channels they hanging around on.

  • Facebook for Business..
  • Google+
  • Pinterest for Business.
  • Twitter for Business.

do you need a external blog?

Why should you who just are a small Business need an external blog? No you don't necessarily need. Because as soon as you have installed those "4 pillars", you will then already to have a fantastic blog. Where most of your potential visitors and customers already have an account.

I think you can advantageously use your Facebook Business site, as a blog. You can for example, to posting a photo, a video with a short description and of course a link to your Business website, when for example new products arrive to your Business..

It can be a weekend event, where you will highlight a seasonal product, etc, etc.. Social media marketing for small Businesses stands for: simply, quick, and inexpensive actions, that you can do by yourself..


For example, when you as electrician, have completed a installation, take a photo or a 1 minute Video together with an satisfied customer, post it on you Facebook site and of course "boost" It.. All you need it's 5-10 minutes to create your post by yourself, and "dollar-a-day", to start seeing Results...  

small business marketing online.

My strong advice is to take full advantage of your Social sites, by frequently "boost" your Posts... But remember your Social sites it is not a place for sales pitch. So always include a link to your Business website, where you can present an attractive offer..  

Far too many small Businesses still have a "offline" marketing mindset. My mission is to give free tips and guidance, so small Business owners like you can catching up, and be digitised, by yourself.

I Believe and say it frequently here on my site, that in today all small Businesses should have a mix of paid and free marketing, to be heard in the loud internet noice. Step-by-step will dollars take huge jumps from "traditional" paid marketing, in to the digital marketing. 

An strong growth in mobile, videos, and "boosting" your posts on Social sites continue to change the face of the global media market. I Believe over the next five years, small Businesses will especially embrace mobile. Mobile marketing will drive up the spending on video, search, display, and especial on Social media. 

All together it will propel the migration of ads dollars away from traditional media, including newspapers and magazines, in to the new future oriented online cirkus... 

how to "boosting" your posts
on facebook for $1 per/day?

Don't get panic, because here on my website you will learn, the kind of social media and content marketing  that are quick and easy to perform, for small Businesses, all by yourself. I Believe Social marketing will create very positive benefits for your small Business, to none or little cost. 

To using web tools to handle your Business site, is today as natural as an car mechanic using tools to build and maintaining your car. 

Performing a mix of genuine live posting and automated by using a tool, is today a natural and an well balanced Small Businesses Model.. Of course, your own personalized and "home made" posts are the most effective.

But always remember, and i discourages you to rely only on automation as a Savior. Because I am very well known, that as a stressed and busy small business owner you can be tempted to use shortcuts, in forms of new automations tools. You as a small business have one sharp weapon, that make your small business really stands out. 

You are small, and maybe even local, then your own content and post is also written with your own unique voice, this is a large competition weapons. So my advice is to tailor made, and submit your posts manually on the various social media sites, as far as possible.


Bear in mind , that you must let your big interest and passion for your small business, your products or services also appear on your Social sites. Because, your visitors and customers, will very quickly notice this, and even talk about it with their friends and acquaintances. And this will in turn create new visitors and customers to your small business, "the famous snowball effect".

But for many small business owners be overwhelming, feels unnecessary, wasting of your precious time to start up and maintain numerous Social sites. Since year 2005, a whole new reality have been step by step established.

A new way to be connect with your visitor and customers and even more important, all their friends and followers.  Good to keep in mind is that, since 2014 has many quick steps taken, by all the Social media operators, making it more attractive for small businesses, to promote their business...

All Types of Marketing Starts With To Clarify Why Do Your Business Exist. MidlifersWebBusiness.com Gives You Free Tips and Guidance.

If for example, your small "brick and mortar" sells clothing for teenagers, then you probably know what social sites is most popular and a must for your business. Facebook is the biggest "social", that works regardless of what type of business you have. 

Many small business owner, however, has seen the social media for the wrong thing, few if any will follow your social channels, if it is only a billboard for your products or services. We can see that over the past 10 years, social sites has evolved to be a relationship builder between your small business and your target audience. 

It is a place to build loyalty, to write reviews, to answer your customers' questions and build a community. People will make recommendations of your "brick and mortar", and your business name will be mentioned and referred to in people's everyday conversations relevant to you Business, on Social media. 

In late 2015 released the  Social Media Marketing Industry Report. It was done a survey, in which small business owners were questioned on their social sites. But even if the report reflects on the American market, so can you, who running your small local business in another countrys definitely draw some parallels.

As you knows, it's about understand consumers behavioral patterns on the Internet and especially today, how people are using their smart phones..

But just to mention, do not try to compete with the big brands, you have much less resources than large businesses budgets. Your biggest strength as a small local Business, is to be local, relevant, posting home made content and that your audience almost personal know you. 

For example a small local auto repair shop knows the customer's car, its history in a different way than a large workshop. You can encourage satisfied customers to take pictures of his car during a visit, publish on the auto-shop Facebook site, with a nice text of a satisfied customer. Obviously, it will create positive vibrations..

Most social media does not proceed to monetize. I don't recommend that you monetize your social media sites at all, always link visitor to your own business website, when it comes to sales.

Your social sites will not directly affect your ranking. But to be "social" can improve your site's search ranking indirect, and above all, strengthen your PREsell by building several groups of "fans." The power of Social media for you, which has a small "brick and mortar", is that your potential customers have an increasing feeling that they know you.

The better your potential customers feel they know you, the more likely they are to visit your business site and follow your product recommendations or buy products, e-products or services from you. And of course, a lot of activity on social media, making new customers become more keen to visit your "brick and mortar" Business.

What is your business about.

There are companies that are more likely to take advantage of social marketing than others. For example ... If you sell products or services with high profit, or run a small local company, (Note: I think it is a must if you run a local "brick and mortar" business, because your potential customers is already there.)

To run your own online or "brick and mortar" Business, I don't think you see it as work. Because no matter what your small business is all about, it is one of your major interests, and as a result of that, you will be very passionate about your business.. Are you hooked on for example Facebook? You might as well take advantage of your "obsession" and use it to promote your small business. 

To update your Facebook site may be fun for some entrepreneurs, for others it may be just another burden on the "to-do-list". As I have said, social media today must be a natural part of running a small business, you simply have no choice, whether you like it or not.

But to have a social presence is not a business itself. As soon you become active on social media, start with the basic ones I suggested above, and makes them extraordinarily good. If you feel you have time and the need, you can always expand with several.

According the Smart business Report,  so it is still in 2016 one in five small local business that does not have become "social"... 42% of users only make it to the promote specific products or services, and 38% use social media just to share information about promotions, sales or Discounts. 

Today, when there are simple, inexpensive digital cameras, that make beautiful pictures or use your smartphone and take images, or a few minutes of film clips. Insert a photo or video clip in each post, this 10 doubles the chance that your audience reads and share your posts.

A local restaurant bought new chairs, and the owner took a photo when they packed up and assemble a chair he published on the restaurant's social sites, the owner was very surprised that so many comments the new seats gained.

Today, your social sites, your business site, your "brick and mortar" has become one big interconnected unit. But your social media sites, is a more relaxed and social part of your marketing, so it shall not include any sale pitch. People know anyway where they are, if you can manage to PREsell, they will gladly click on your business site link. 

"Here's Why," 
there is no best time to posting
at social media...

Your business site, is the digital version of your "brick and mortar" business on the Internet. That is why it is important that you can have 100% control over it, your business site has other functions than the "social". Think about why people choose click on your website. 

They follow a link on your social media sites, they find it after an Internet search, or people get a tips from a friend, to look at your business site, people seen your ad on Facebook. They looking for extraordinary, valuable and relevant information and learn about your products or services, look for a job in your business, make an e Commerce purchase.

Unfortunately i have to tell you, even in this very digital age, far from all small businesses on this globe, have a business site. The State of Small Business Report, the survey I refer to above, tells you that 97% of all consumers who have access to the internet makes internet search to find businesses, products or services.

This is why, and one of the main purpose for my website, to helping small local "brick and mortar" business owners, with free tips and good advice to Establish real Internet presence. I have written a separate article, Consumers find local Business.


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Whether you are a brick-and-mortar, or you're an infopreneur or an individual blogger... This is probably the most advanced and easy to handle keyword research tool of its kind, on this Planet!  Click Here. 

Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is interested in. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

your social sites spreading the news.

This article shows that Social media will make a big difference to your small business, to a little or no cost. Social media posts build name recognition and help your business begin to form a brand identity. Gathering followers from a Particular Part of your city, region, country or maybe international, could even open your eyes to the expansion opportunities.

Much have happened with Facebook ads in the last year, special for small businesses. Today it's very easy and inexpensive to "boost" your posts. I frequently market my posts on Facebook, with a daily budget of some few dollars.

Small biz must today have a mix of organic and paid search results. In the loud internet noise, it's much effectful for a local business to spending a few dollars daily, to place your facebook posts straight in front of your target audience eyes... 


Remember that your social media sites, is first and foremost a place where your customers and fans can stop by and check out the latest updates, reviews from other customers, events in your shop. 

Take for example a nice photo when you and your staff unpacks new goods (where you can place a link to your business site presenting these products), or you who for example have a plumber business, has taken a photo at home together with a satisfied customer that also write a nice Review, after a successful repair of a water leak. Or something else happening around your small business.

Today should all small Businesses, offer a real Business site. That is also natural to use a website tool  to handle your website as it is, for a car mechanic using tools, to build and maintaining your car.  So I Believe that your big warm interest and passion for your own small Business will increase and Flow.

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Welcome back Soon.

I Believe that you will have a Fabulous Day:)


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