about me!

midlife career change and
moving to Jomtien in thailand 

Fabulous Jomtien in Thailand Will Become My New Residence.


Who spend lots of time in JOMTIEN  IN THAILAND.


Hi Folks this is Me..

Well folks... This is briefly about me. I started my first small local Business in 1983, since then I always been involved with, B2B - B2C, marketing, sales, team building, run small Businesses...

Today I am a consultant, an positive inspirator, focusing first on helping small Businesses solve problems / to get results. I also educate Thai - Citizens in basic English in Jomtien & Bangkok...

Despite my over 35 years of involvement, experience and knowledge, I’ve always considered myself a humble student who is still very hungry to learn of this industry and I will keep up with that.

I am born and raised in Sweden. Between 1988 to 2005, I lived permanently abroad where Portugal and Norway were my fixed locations... Today, I live both in the royal country of Thailand and in Sweden, which is 2 beautiful countries.


Why did I start this website? It's simply because I always had a very big interest, tons of fun and amusement to running my own small "brick and mortar" Businesses. Today I am a former "brick and mortar" owner.

I made a career change, so today I give tips and guidance to small local Businesses, regardless of their Industry, e.g. about: digital marketing, local SEO, Social media, Why and How to create a proper "4 pillars" Mobile Friendly Internet Presence. 

Because still more than 50% of all small Businesses, have not one, or just a poor internet presence. So I give small local biz owners a possibility to all by yourself, create one and to daily maintain your own business sites...

so by sheer coincidence

I found
the perfect solution..

When I made this website was my goal of course to make the site mobile and as user friendly..

But not minimalistic. People like you who visit my website are real human beings to me, not numbers in Googles database. So personally, I am not very fond of "minimalistic style" at all. I generally believe in that minimalism makes people and the environment very dry, cold and lifeless...

I aim for a "homemade" website, with my own personal touch and style, that gives more personal and unique value.  I felt that some elegance here and there, use of many instructional videos, relevant photos, some few muted and pleasant colors,

will liven up and making that my site really stands out, be very engaging, very personal and completely "hand made" by Me... Without disturbing your focus on the main purpose on my educational site, the valuable and relevant content.

Here on my site, you will also find some links to people who I know have a relevant and genuine knowledge and experience. But most importantly, they have a big interest and really believes in what they are doing, and think it's very fun. They also think that it's with great pleasure to help other people. 

What is the main purpose of your business? Focus first on the users, it must be about helping your target audience to solving their internet search intent. Because people will not visit your Business site, for what you do or offer.

Your audience, will choose your site because of Why you offers these solutions, products or services. And by "why" i don't mean to earn Money or make a profit, because that is a result, and will always be an results. 

Your big task is to present stunning solutions on your site, that is filled with valuable and relevant content, written or video "handmade" with your unique voice and personality. This will makes that your site really stands out, from the big noise on internet... 


Alongside my work, which has always been to run my own small Business, working with sales, service related things which I find extremely fun, so you need to relax with other things too.

I am involved in a charitable association, that aims to help street Children who lives on Orphanages in India and Thailand..

One of my biggest hobbies is Motorsport and Mercedes cars.. I drive myself an old Mercedes Benz 300E and this particular model, W124 is perhaps one of the Mercedes sturdiest models ever, even if it has many years behind now.

My little Hobby is to taking care of my old car...

Other interests Golf sports, Horse riding, Dogs, Arts and History, so last but not least. I think that Sweden have a very  Nice Royal Family , who makes a distinctive work that represents the Royal Country of Sweden in the digital 21st Century...

Thailand have olso their own Royal family, which i believe the Thailand people (and me) loves, and the Thailand Royal family also bring security and stability to the country...

Thanks for taking your time and visit my Website.

Welcome back soon.

I Believe that you will have a Fabulous Day:)

Erling.A. Sjokvist

Even if Jomtien offers very warm and tempting swimming water year-around in the sea, is the lazy beach life not of a interest and priority for me...

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