Jobs for senior Citizens
why is

internet the solution!


how to find
Jobs for senior Citizens
in the 21th Century? 

Find jobs for senior citizens, in the 21th Century can be a challenge. I Believe internet have become the solution. The huge development of Internet and particularly smart phones, has quickly, created new opportunities.

For just 10 years ago, it was considered to starting an small web business, was only for a very young "web-savvy person". This is now History... Did you know, that today there is more people in the age 50+ that are starting a small home based e Business, than people that are under age 30.

That as a Midlifer been thrown into traditionally job searching, can be very intimidating in today's job market. Especially for anyone who has not applied for a new position in recent decades. That take advantage of the huge digital development in the last few years, is certainly a smart solution for many Midlifers to get a decent income. 

I don't believe many people like you and me 10 years ago could accurately predict that the Internet could help people from all kinds of professions, and in all countries, to create as many new amazing, lucrative and funny opportunities.

I strongly Believe starting a small web Business, is for all people who want to make a midlife career change, for baby boomers who have become redundant, or for all seniors 60+ who are already retired, but desire a little Side Gig, because their pension income is Small.

Take a minute and think about this Reality... Everyone on this Globe knows something about something, a passion, a hobby, or your for long time learned experience from your job. Take that knowledge and experience, turn it into a significant profitable e Business.

Everything you need to know is already of the inside in your Brain. Get it out on a paper, this paper will be your website or blog that people are going to find, on Internet. You can build your e Business from a small side gig, up to the size you want. But without traffic you have no e Business at all. I have of course, written an article about,  How you increase web Traffic .

I made myself a  Midlife career Change,  a few years ago, switched from my small brick and mortar business, that I had run for over 30 years. Today i have only a small e Business, and I believe this is super fun, it is very simply and very inexpensive to start, build and Run... But now let's move on, and talk about, how to find jobs for senior Citizens.

Almost daily, I get email from people in different countries, who want help, tips and good advice. Here are just a few examples, people who are ask for help, they looking for full time or part time work. I am absolutely convinced that there are solutions for them that Internet can solve today, further down in this article you will find my suggestions for inexpensive, very fun and user friendly solutions....



Almost daily, I get email from people in different countries, who want help, tips and good advice. Here are just a few examples, people who are ask for help, they looking for full time or part time work. I am absolutely convinced that there are solutions for them that Internet can solve today, further down in this article you will find my suggestions for inexpensive, very fun and user friendly solutions....

  • Im 62 years old retired, Im looking for a part-time job, I have 28 years experience in retail sales. I have applied and interviewed at many companies, no one want to hire me, apreciate if some one help me, Im bilingue spanish and English, thanks sincerly....
  • I am going to retire at the age of 56 next year. I am an English teacher for spanish speaking high school students. I am thinking of maybe working part time. Let me know if there is anything that includes a bilingual position. I have a masters in English as a second language.
  • Hi, I am a 55 year old that has over 25 years in cake decorating. In those years I have had many famous and influential clients. I have lots of experience in knowing what sells in the bakery. I have also won many awards for customer service. I would be a great asset to any new or existing bakery.
  • Hi I'm a senior 55+ looking to create a new small business... I have expertise in several areas need some guidance Look forward to your response.

But o My Gud.. What if I'm too old? Many thinks.. Far from it, you are never too old, if you do not act as if you already Are... Generally speaking, people who are 50+ today is much more youthful, both physically and mentally, than only 35 years ago. Start thinking of yourself as a great asset, think of your knowledge, experience and enthusiasm. All 45+, baby boomers and seniors 60+ person possess unique knowledge and experience, as the 20+ and 30+ Internet generation lacks.

Just in the last few years, Internet technology has developed so quickly and become much more user friendly. That's why you and I, who might not be as "web-savvy" as a 24 year old person born with the internet, today absolutely can, all by yourself, build and run a small home based web business, without first having to become a web programmer..


Get the digital skills you need to grow your small Web Business. I Believe this digital academy course with Google, is a nice complement, to the guidance you find here at my website. This Google digital garage, is aimed for Beginners, Small Business Owners, Employees, Retirees or Students.

For those who want to get started, sharpen their digital skills, or kick start your career with an impressive certification. But to get the digital skills you need to build and grow your small web business. You need an combination of knowledge, both theoretical, practical.

However today in 2017, there is no big technical and financial hurdles for you, to by yourself build and run a small web business. And for you who already have a small "brick and mortar" business, to establish a real Internet Presence.

I can Recommend you to take a look at the Google WorkShop Academy, it's FREE.  To build a web business, I Believe it is a big advantage fore you, to looking at many sources. That you "step by step" can pick out and learn what is relevant for you, for your own small business, in your country.

baby boomers and freelance businesses.

Let's kicking off immediately with an example.. Retired 60+ Seniors or 45+ midlifers, can start a flowering home based business online. Small business owners, freelancer, selfemployed and private individuals need help with accounting, bookkeeping and tax preparation services. But they usually have a small budget, using a larger accounting firms can be to expensive. 

Seniors and midlifers with an accounting background or maybe they are a retired chartered accountant can find a profitable niche by starting a small one man or women business as an accountant, bookkeeper, personal office assistants.

The beauty of these types of jobs is that you can now work from home in full time, or on the hourly basis. Small local craftsman, for example: plumbers, electricians usually one man businesses, are just some examples of your customer Group.

So if you are 50+ or 62+ and maybe retired, with the help of today's Internet technology can work from your own home and at the same time perform various office services, answering the phone, bookkeeping, etc.

In this above example, an electrician who must constantly be out and work in the field of their clients. Thus get help, without the need for expensive fixed office space and staff, today's Internet technology has created work for you as a senior citizen, and easier for all small business owners.

So if you are 50+ or 62+ and maybe retired, with the help of today's Internet technology can work from your own home and at the same time perform various office services, answering the phone, bookkeeping, etc. In this above example, an electrician who must constantly be out and work in the field of their clients.

Thus get help, without the need for expensive fixed office space and staff, today's Internet technology has created work for you as a senior citizen, and easier for all small business owners.

What just a few years ago was much more technically complicated, more expencive and required special skills, have now become accessible and manageable for you and all others who do not have web programming training. Internet is growing every day, and the number of new Internet users who have access to high speed internet increases very fast.

I Especially want to mention " Digital India ", as a shining example of the gigantic project that will create many millions new job opportunities in India, but also in other countries as a spinoff effect. Do not think it is all about new opportunities only for Indians who are younger than 30 years,. No no.. It will definitely bring new opportunities for Indians 50+ of course, but also people in other countries who are 50+, Too...

maybe working abroad.

Many 50+ and 60+ traveling and staying short or long period abroad today. Cheap Flights, easier to get longer tourist visa, many countries see 50+ tourists as a great asset, and puts things right for them.

Many who passed the 50 mark, the children have flown out, and the parents have decided to sell the house that has become too large and provides a smaller apartment. To perhaps be able to live part of the year abroad. Yes, as I said this is a common senario today. I have written an Article about, Move to Portugal start online Business.

But if your retirement income today does not permit this, do not give up. I think you should consider working while living abroad, either for a short seasonal work or why not in the long term. For example, the hospitality industry offers a wide range of options for 50+ and seniors.

Today's baby boomers are educated and possess a lot of knowledge and experience. There are many niche job that can suit your personality and give you the excitement of living abroad with a steady source of income. More about finding your Niche further down in this article.

to experience redundancy.

Many midlifers, baby boomers and seniors suffer from redundancies. Of course redundancy has many experienced before when they were younger maybe under 30, and found it difficult to come back then. And although many have a solid education, they are not under 30 years longer people who are 50+ are considered as a "faddy daddy".

Life experience or relevant experience in say sales, but from another industry is not worth what it may once have been. For many many midlifers and seniors, after working a long life and been promised the moon after the age of 60. Many are now forced to work to the age of 70 to pay down mortgages.

Baby boomers are often reminded of their age in the workplace. Maybe the person has asked to work more hours but can be told there is no need, only to discover after a short time later they have emerged a new person who just jump in when needed extra hours, usually it is also someone who is younger than 25 years.

Many seniors have sold their houses but not for the same reason as the gilded midlifers 50+, but because they are force to sell, since they took out loans to buy housing or apertement in previous decades when interest rates were much higher than today.

This has resulted in savings today are not so great. Many elderly feel that there are jobs out there, but as soon as the age is discovered, they are placed at the back of the queue of applications. That is very tough. It is hard keeping your spirits up when you apply for a new positions, only for them to be given routinely to younger persons.

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Many seniors have sold their houses but not for the same reason as the gilded midlifers 50+, but because they are force to sell, since they took out loans to buy housing or apertement in previous decades when interest rates were much higher than today.

This has resulted in savings today are not so great. Many elderly feel that there are jobs out there, but as soon as the age is discovered, they are placed at the back of the queue of applications. That is very tough. It is hard keeping your spirits up when you apply for a new positions, only for them to be given routinely to younger persons.

It think that high interest rates in previous decades and wide inequalities in health care and pension provision in many countries, have curtailed the livelihoods for many baby boomers, midlifers and seniors 60+.

Without the daily routines and the company of colleagues in the workplace, many midlifers 50+ and retired becoming isolated and then depression emerge as a letter in the mailbox. Naturally, loneliness has always been a problem for all types of people but especially for seniors. I think it has gotten worse in the last 10 years.

Probably the best tool to find web business ideas.

jobs for seniors.

Today it is merit in employing older people, but sadly it can be very difficult some time to persuading employers about that. Out there in many countries are a lot of good ideas for you who are 50+ and 60+ and retirees to earn extra income and get involved in the community after retirement.

For some people life after redundancy or early retirement can mean many new doors open, and there are plenty of examples where in fact people have never had so much to do Before.

So the options as I see it for many would be to either just continue to look for a new job, or a career change, maybe learn some new skills, at the same time, starting your own small home based business online. You can and should of course look at different options.

business ideas for retirees.

Something that has been popular for some time is that many continue in the same profession, start consulting for your former employer, as independent and freelance consultant with your own small business. Now of course this may not be possible in absolutely all the professions.

Have you worked as a train driver, it may not be possible to start your own small railway business .. If, however, you had a job that essentially precedes the Internet, the chances are very high that you can continue as a freelancer.

As I have said, things on internet have moved very fast in just the last few years, with the help of it, you can actually create revenue opportunities that previously did not exist. The key is putting forth a path towards doing things that you know you can and will truly enjoy.

Personally, I would advise anyone who is facing life after redundancy or retirement to understand it as a great opportunity to completely fresh start again. Everyone's situation is of course different because we live in different countries.

In this 21th centery have your age to start your own small e Business no importance at all, or need to be associated with large fixed costs, equipment, facilities or personnel. You probably already have everything you need in your home, to start, build and run a top modern small online business.

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Today You need customers to survive and thrive as a business. But to attract customers, you have to provide the right information, precise the information that your target audience is interested in. Discovering that, well… that's the real challenge, isn’t it?

women over 50 is there solutions today?

Women over 50 starting small homebased business is currently expanding twice as fast as male-owned businesses. There is a global trend today and for women over 50 years, give small business ownership many benefits: income, a flexible lifestyle and that unbeatable feeling that comes with being your own boss.

Whether you are redundant and want to start a business, directly or planning to start one when you retired, what are your options? I have a word of advice, and it is to start today! Even if you have a job today, it's a big advantage to start now, firstly, it takes time to build up a business, there is no quick-fix, even if it is a small home based business. Let's take a closer look at some key factors...

what drive the success factor?

The success of your offline or online business. This means first and foremost that you are turning your "to be an employee attitude" to a true entrepreneurial attitude and mindset, it's a way of life, and who are committed, you are very passionate and on fire about your business, you have fun and refuses to give up and perhaps quit even when it storms and things not always turns out as you planned.

Adaptability is important, successful entrepreneurs continuously evaluate how their business works and make adjustments as they go. In the same way will be open to constructive criticism help your business in the forefront and avoid any problems that you might not see on your own...

To make money, yes of course you will make money, but it will actually last, because it is a natural consequence of that you have managed to do everything else right, small business owners also need to pay bills and live, I know it.

Many people who start a business as place "to make quick money" as the most important factor, will probably not earn any money, because running your own business is a process, that you must build up, if you not buy an already existing and profitable company.. However making money and make a profit, it is always a result....

To quickly start a small online business (get-rich-quick) has since 10-15 years, many times been with hard marketing, a way to very quickly, with little invest of money and Little or no work efforts, earn big money.

And it's true if you just look at some few web savvy scammers, who thanks to the internet and google's birth and childhood many years ago, with inadequate technology, managed to make big money in a very short time.

Today in 2017, the big technical development, have resulted that Internet and search engines have caught up, so that online business is approaching the real and decent world "brick and mortar" business.

The time when targeted special rogue tricks, fraud and manipulation of search engines is now more or less history. Where the supply and huge demand for real, honest, valuable and relevant content, on-demand products, services and information that are the determining factors today, for the success of a long-term online business.

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Of course you can start with little money!

What creates today's very good conditions for online business? The answer is very simple and logical. The explosive growth of the internet and smartphone users in all countries. People are using their mobile devices or their desk laptops, to search for information about businesses, products and services. There are plenty of new, inexpensive opportunities today, than they were just five years ago.

To start, building up and running a traditional "brick and mortar" business is associated with major start-ups and large fixed costs, almost no matter which country you live in.

People very well know about this today, and it is also one of the biggest obstacles for people and especially women to even dare to imagine starting. But let's take a look at some examples of vs. are almost Free.. I've already talked about some, but here's More...

  • Consulting business, for your previous Employer:  This is today very common and many that have started, actually experienced that they have much more assignments since they started their own small business, than when they were employed. It is often because you have built up a good reputation about your professional skills, which also other companies have noticed, and therefore now have an opportunity to take advantage of since you started your own small independent consulting business.
  • Office Assistant via the Internet:  Helping others small business with their administrative functions such as telephone service, e-mail and calendar management, basic or advanced marketing and accounting functions, and you can manage everything from your own home. So you are location independent, which also means you can take assignments as a geographical lies outside your neighborhood, because you do not physically need to be in Place every day. This, I talked about earlier in the example above.
  • Become a lifestyle and product consultant:  Most people know tupperware and home partys, various beauty products, jewelry, gadgets to kitchen, tools to the Garage and garden equipments, the list can be long. And all these can be sold at home partys and of course on the internet. Today, many many midlife women and of course men too travel to different countries and continents, on holiday or business trips than ever before because travel has become very cheap. Many exploits actually travel and visits to different countries, to find local products and services in both large and small quantities to promote and sell locally in their home country, or what today has become the most common way, to marketing on the internet via your own small Business .. Product and lifestyle consultant is nothing new, it has existed for many years, but everything was much more complicated and took much longer before the internet. So with the help of the Internet's tremendous pace of technological development, this is an industry that really exploded in recent years, and of course, suitable for all ages, perfect for a small business in your home.
  • Online Business:  Everything can now be placed under the title, you have probably seen the top of this article, quote, by Bill Gates "if your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business," nothing can be as true as this . Being midlifer and women over 50 today, never before have the opportunities been so well attainable as they are today. The development has gone so fast, a little further down in this article are some links that I highly recommend you to click on. If you have become redundant, if you want to take a phased retirement, if you are already retired. All people today has an Internet connection and computers, tablets or smart phones. Then you have the necessary equipment to start a small local one women e business, or a small "husband-wife team" homebased business, or if you want to build a larger internet business everything is possible. The best of all is that it is almost free if you compare with what a brick and mortar business COSTs.

the today reality on internet.

Every day I get questions from different people in different countries, It may be from the "newest newbie" age 50+, to the more experienced "brick and mortar" business owner. And it's nice, I love to help people with Free tips and good advice. Here are few examples of asked questions...

  • Why should I start a web business?
  • How long does it take?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How can i find my Niche?
  • How to build a real Business site with e Commerce?
  • How can i know that my business ideas, have an income potential?
  • How can i create a blog, to market our family bed & breakfast business in Tuscany Italy?

To start, build and run a small e Business, 10 years ago, you needed much web programming knowledge and experience. Today people still want to make it far more complicated than it actually is, Do not do that... The technical development has taken very big steps, to make it easier and user friendly for ordinary people like you and me. 

Today it is actually very fun, it's simply and very inexpensive, but is not "easy". Learn what to start with, because it is the early beginning, is the most important, to build a "Rock solid" foundation. Follow my tips and good advice (links) below. There are no "quick-fix" and short Cuts. As i said before, I don't myself  have a big web technical knowledge so therefore I can promise you it is much more simply than you think. ..

How it works on internet today, the reality for well over 3 billion people, ( Check out how many Internet users on the Earth right now )... To use the "yellow pages" this is almost history. All makes today Internet searches also for making local purchases, they assign their computers, smart phones, tablets, people are looking for products, services, help and information.

I Believe you will helping people, you will give them what they're looking for. You will certainly find a niche that has a demand, and which you already have knowledge and experience, or you can acquire knowledge ...

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Well folks.. it's time to Wrap things up.

If you are redundant 47 years old, or 55, maybe retired senoir 60+. Your age does not matter, because the basic principles to start and build an e business, are the same irrespective of your age. Never before has it been easier to start a small home based web business it's no longer "rocket science".

My advice is, you need and should not wait for you to become redundant or retired, just starting Today, and take your time, start small, at your leisure, and building up the business to your desired size. .... Start perhaps to create a blog, you have a strong interest in baking and cooking or handwork, to run a small local brick and mortar business, traveling, growing on your balcony, etc etc.

On your blog, you can share your knowledge and experience, you can if you want to also monetize your blog to earn some extra $ dollars per month, or you can of course build a large e Business with e Commerce.

Today you do not first go to the bank and borrow money or get a web programmer education. Everything you need you already have at home: Internet connection a computer and your work effort, perseverance, patience, stubbornness, in other words Entreprenurlier Mindset ...

Here on my website, I use a Web tool from, SiteSell which of course I also warmly recommend. When I planned start e business, I was looking a long time on the internet for a real and inexpensive web tool, that could handled without to be web programmer. 

I tested many different both free and payed. Only when I was recommended by a friend of my, to watch this Video Tour  I found just what I was looking for, the tool box is fully equipped no additional upgrades, or any additional plug-in required. Take a taste bite, and form your own opinion..

Thanks for taking your time and visited my Website.

Welcome back Soon.

I Believe you will Have a Fabulous Day:)


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